27 November 2012

Automate Mounting WIM Files

This script will allow you to painlessly mount WIM files for editing. It runs relative to its location it was executed from.

Here is the link to download the file.

 '     Program: MountWIM.vbs  
 '      Author: Mick Pletcher  
 '        Date: 19 February 2010  
 '    Modified:  
 ' Description: This script will mount a WIM file. It will display a list of  
 '              WIM files and allow the user to select which one to mount.  
 '              1) Define Relative Path  
 '              2) Select the WIM file  
 '              3) Mount the WIM file  
 '              4) Cleanup Global Variables  
 Option Explicit  

 REM Define Global Variables  
 DIM strImageName : Set strImageName = Nothing  
 DIM RelativePath : Set RelativePath = Nothing  



 Sub DefineRelativePath()  

      REM Get File Name with full relative path  
      RelativePath = WScript.ScriptFullName  
      REM Remove file name, leaving relative path only  
      RelativePath = Left(RelativePath, InStrRev(RelativePath, "\"))  

 End Sub  


 Sub SelectImage()  

      REM Define Local Constants  
      CONST ForAppending = 2  

      REM Define Objects  
      DIM strComputer   : strComputer = "."  
      DIM objWMIService : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _  
                          & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")  
      DIM colFileList   : Set colFileList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _  
                          ("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(39) & Left(RelativePath, Len(RelativePath)-1) & Chr(39) & "} Where " _  
                          & "ResultClass = CIM_DataFile")  
      DIM objFile       : Set ObjFile = Nothing  
      DIM FSO           : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM Count      : Count          = 1  
      DIM FileName   : Set FileName   = Nothing  
      DIM FileVerify : Set FileVerify = Nothing  
      DIM strList    : strList        = "Select an Image File:"  

      REM Get List of WIM files  
      For Each objFile In colFileList  
           FileVerify = Right(objFile.Name, 3)  
           If FileVerify = "wim" then  
                FileName = Len(objFile.Name)  
                FileName = FileName - 9  
                FileName = Right(objFile.Name, FileName)  
                strList = strList & vbCrLf & Count & " - " & FileName  
                Count = Count + 1  
           End If  
           Set FileVerify = Nothing  
      REM Select WIM File  
      strImageName = InputBox(strList, "Image")  
      strImageName = CInt(strImageName)  
      REM ReInitialize Variables  
      Count = 1  
      Set FileName  = Nothing  
      Set FileVerify = Nothing  
      Set objFile  = Nothing  
      REM Get File Name  
      For Each objFile In colFileList  
           FileVerify = Right(objFile.Name, 3)  
           If FileVerify = "wim" then  
                FileName = Len(objFile.Name)  
                FileName = FileName - 9  
                FileName = Right(objFile.Name, FileName)  
                If Count = strImageName then  
                     strImageName = FileName  
                End If  
                Count = Count + 1  
           End If  
           Set FileVerify = Nothing  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set colFileList   = Nothing  
      Set Count         = Nothing  
      Set FileName      = Nothing  
      Set FileVerify    = Nothing  
      Set strComputer   = Nothing  
      Set objFile       = Nothing  
      Set FSO           = Nothing  
      Set objWMIService = Nothing  
      Set strList       = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub MountWIM()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM WIMFile   : WIMFile   = Chr(32) & "/wimfile:" & RelativePath & strImageName  
      DIM Index     : Index     = Chr(32) & "/index:1"  
      DIM MountDIR  : MountDIR  = Chr(32) & "/mountdir:" & RelativePath & "mount"  
      DIM MountFile : MountFile = "DISM.exe /mount-wim" & WIMFile & Index & MountDIR  

      oShell.Run MountFile, 1, True  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set Index     = Nothing  
      Set MountDIR  = Nothing  
      Set MountFile = Nothing  
      Set oShell    = Nothing  
      Set WIMFile   = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub ImageMounted()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

      If FSO.FolderExists(RelativePath & "Mount\Windows") Then  
           MsgBox(strImageName & Chr(32) & "is mounted")  
           MsgBox(strImageName & Chr(32) & "failed to mount")  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Objects  
      Set FSO = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub GlobalVariableCleanup()  

      Set RelativePath = Nothing  
      Set strImageName = Nothing  

 End Sub  


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