16 November 2012

Editing Revit INI Files

Here is a script that will make custom changes to the revit.ini file on user machines. You first open the script up and define the changes needed in the EditINIFiles subroutine. Currently, there are 4 changes I have in the script I wrote. Next, you will need to modify the UserDataCacheRevitIniPath to wherever the master revit.ini file is stored on your company's systems. Finally, on line 102, make sure the path to the revit.ini file under each user profile is correct. It may vary per company.

The way the script works is that it first backs up the revit.ini file to revit_old.ini. Next, the ParseFile subroutine is called to make the changes to each line in the file. Upon each call of the subroutine, the ini file is opened, read, the line of change is made, and then closed. The ParseFile subroutine is passed the INI filename, the defined variable representing the line of change to be made, and the string length of the variable in the INI file to be modified. Once this data is passed to the ParseFile, it will parse through the file, replace the line of code requested, and then closes the file. It then writes to the log file, the changes that were made. The AddSpace subroutine is there to add a blank line in between each system edited inside the log file for easier reading.

Here is the file available for download

 '   Author: Mick Pletcher  
 '    Date: 09 November 2012  
 '  Modified:  
 ' Description: This script will modify the contents of the revit.ini files  
 Option Explicit  

 REM Define Constants  
 CONST TempFolder    = "c:\temp\"  
 CONST LogFolderName = "RevitINI"  

 REM Define Global Variables  
 DIM FSO          : Set FSO          = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
 DIM LogFolder    : LogFolder        = TempFolder & LogFolderName & "\"  
 DIM LogFile      : LogFile          = LogFolder & LogFolderName & ".txt"  
 DIM RelativePath : Set RelativePath = Nothing  

 REM Define the relative installation path  
 REM Create the Log Folder  
 REM Backup the old ini file and make desired changes to ini files across profiles  
 REM Cleanup Global Variables  


 Sub DefineRelativePath()  

      REM Get File Name with full relative path  
      RelativePath = WScript.ScriptFullName  
      REM Remove file name, leaving relative path only  
      RelativePath = Left(RelativePath, InStrRev(RelativePath, "\"))  

 End Sub  


 Sub CreateLogFolder()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM objFile : Set objFile = Nothing  

      If NOT FSO.FolderExists(TempFolder) then  
      End If  
      If NOT FSO.FolderExists(LogFolder) then  
      End If  
      If FSO.FileExists(LogFile) then  
           FSO.DeleteFile Logfile, True  
      End If  
      If NOT FSO.FileExists(LogFile) then  
           Set objFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(LogFile)  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Memory  
      Set objFile = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub EditINIFiles()  

      On Error Resume Next  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM Folder     : Set Folder     = FSO.GetFolder("C:\Users")  
      DIM SubFolder  : Set SubFolder  = Nothing  
      DIM SubFolders : Set SubFolders = Folder.Subfolders  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM DataLibraryLocations      : DataLibraryLocations      = "DataLibraryLocations=Imperial Library=\\global.gsp\data\gspm\CAD_ADSK_STDS\Revit\GSP\Libraries\US Imperial\, Imperial Detail Library=\\global.gsp\data\gspm\CAD_ADSK_STDS\Revit\GSP\Libraries\US Imperial\Detail Items\, GSP CADD=\\global.gsp\data\cadd\"  
      DIM DefaultTemplate           : DefaultTemplate           = "DefaultTemplate=\\global.gsp\data\gspm\CAD_ADSK_STDS\Revit\GSP\Templates\US Imperial\Architectural_default.rte"  
      DIM Username                  : Username                  = "Username="  
      DIM DisplayRecentFilesPage    : DisplayRecentFilesPage    = "DisplayRecentFilesPage=0"  
      DIM FamilyTemplatePath        : FamilyTemplatePath        = "FamilyTemplatePath=\\global.gsp\data\gspm\CAD_ADSK_STDS\Revit\GSP\Family Templates\English_I"  
      DIM UserDataCacheRevitIniPath : UserDataCacheRevitInipath = "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Architecture 2012\Program\UserDataCache\revit.ini"  
      DIM INIFile                   : INIFile                   = 0  

      REM Backup and edit the master INI file  
      If FSO.FileExists(UserDataCacheRevitInipath) Then  
           REM Backup revit.ini file  
           FSO.CopyFile UserDataCacheRevitInipath, Left(UserDataCacheRevitInipath, InStr(1,UserDataCacheRevitInipath,".")-1) & "_old.ini", True  
           REM Make changes to ini file  
           Call ParseFile(UserDataCacheRevitIniPath, DataLibraryLocations, Len(Left(DataLibraryLocations, InStr(1,DataLibraryLocations,"=")-1)))  
           Call ParseFile(UserDataCacheRevitIniPath, DefaultTemplate, Len(Left(DefaultTemplate, InStr(1,DefaultTemplate,"=")-1)))  
           Call ParseFile(UserDataCacheRevitIniPath, DisplayRecentFilesPage, Len(Left(DisplayRecentFilesPage, InStr(1,DisplayRecentFilesPage,"=")-1)))  
           Call ParseFile(UserDataCacheRevitIniPath, FamilyTemplatePath, Len(Left(FamilyTemplatePath, InStr(1,FamilyTemplatePath,"=")-1)))  
           Call AddSpace()  
      End If  
      REM Make changes to the revit.ini file under each profile  
      For Each Subfolder in Subfolders  
           IF (Subfolder.Name <> "Administrator") AND (Subfolder.Name <> "win2kload") AND _  
             (Subfolder.Name <> "All Users") AND (Subfolder.Name <> "Default") AND _  
             (Subfolder.Name <> "Default User") AND (Subfolder.Name <> "Public") THEN  
                INIFile = Folder & Chr(92) & Subfolder.Name & "\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012\revit.ini"  
                If FSO.FileExists(INIFile) then  
                     REM Backup the INI file  
                     FSO.CopyFile INIFile, Left(INIFile, InStr(1,INIFile,".")-1) & "_old.ini", True  
                     REM Parse through the INI file to make changes to each of the desired fields  
                     Call ParseFile(INIFile, DataLibraryLocations, Len(Left(DataLibraryLocations, InStr(1,DataLibraryLocations,"=")-1)))  
                     Call ParseFile(INIFile, DefaultTemplate, Len(Left(DefaultTemplate, InStr(1,DefaultTemplate,"=")-1)))  
                     Call ParseFile(INIFile, DisplayRecentFilesPage, Len(Left(DisplayRecentFilesPage, InStr(1,DisplayRecentFilesPage,"=")-1)))  
                     Call ParseFile(INIFile, FamilyTemplatePath, Len(Left(FamilyTemplatePath, InStr(1,FamilyTemplatePath,"=")-1)))  
                     Call AddSpace()  
                End If  
           End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Memory  
      Set DataLibraryLocations      = Nothing  
      Set DefaultTemplate           = Nothing  
      Set DisplayRecentFilesPage    = Nothing  
      Set FamilyTemplatePath        = Nothing  
      Set Folder                    = Nothing  
      Set INIFile                   = Nothing  
      Set SubFolder                 = Nothing  
      Set SubFolders                = Nothing  
      Set UserDataCacheRevitInipath = Nothing  
      Set Username                  = Nothing  
 End Sub  


 Sub ParseFile(FileName, TxtString, StringLength)  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM Count        : Count        = 0  
      DIM ForAppending : ForAppending = 8  
      DIM ForReading   : ForReading   = 1  
      DIM ForWriting   : ForWriting   = 2  
      DIM LineCount    : LineCount    = 0  
      DIM StrContents  : StrContents  = 0  
      DIM Written      : Written      = False  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM File  : Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading)  
      DIM strText : strText = File.ReadAll  

      REM Divide contents into lines  
      StrContents = Split(strText, vbNewLine)  
      REM Count the number of lines  
      LineCount = UBound(StrContents)  
      REM Open File to write to it  
      Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForWriting)  
      do while Count < LineCount  
           IF NOT Left(StrContents(Count), StringLength) = "Username=" Then  
                If (Left(StrContents(Count), StringLength) = Left(TxtString, StringLength)) Then  
                     Written = True  
                End If  
           End If  
           Count = Count + 1  
      If NOT Written Then  
      End If  
      If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then  
           If FSO.FileExists(LogFile) Then  
                Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(LogFile, ForAppending)  
                If Count = LineCount Then  
                     File.Write(Left(TxtString, InStr(1,TxtString,"=")-1) & Chr(32) & "was written to" & Chr(32) & FileName & Chr(13))  
                     File.Write(TxtString & Chr(32) & "was not written to FileName!")  
                End If  
           End If  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Memory  
      Set Count        = Nothing  
      Set File         = Nothing  
      Set ForAppending = Nothing  
      Set ForReading   = Nothing  
      Set ForWriting   = Nothing  
      Set LineCount    = Nothing  
      Set StrContents  = Nothing  
      Set strText      = Nothing  
      Set Written      = Nothing  
 End Sub  


 Sub AddSpace()  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM ForAppending : ForAppending = 8  
      DIM ForReading   : ForReading   = 1  
      DIM ForWriting   : ForWriting   = 2  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM File : Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(LogFile, ForAppending)  


      REM Cleanup Local Memory  
      Set File         = Nothing  
      Set ForAppending = Nothing  
      Set ForReading   = Nothing  
      Set ForWriting   = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub GlobalVariableCleanup()  

      Set FSO          = Nothing  
      Set LogFolder    = Nothing  
      Set RelativePath = Nothing  

 End Sub  


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