12 June 2013

Autodesk Revit 2013 Hotfix Script

Here is a script that will automate the installation of the new DLL files that replace the old ones. Sadly, Autodesk expects for all users to manually replace these files, even in larger corporations, like I work in. This script runs relative to to it's execution path. The only thing that has to be done is to make sure all of the DLL files are in the same directory, including the directory .\RevitServerToolCommand be present, containing the DLL files within that directory too.

Here is the link to Autodesk's website describing what this script does.

Here is the link to download the script below.

 #   Author: Mick Pletcher  
 #    Date: 12 June 2013  
 #   Program: Revit 2013 Hotfix  

 $FileLoc = "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2013\Program\"  
 $DLL_01 = "RS.Common.ClientServer.Proxy"  
 $DLL_02 = "DataStorageClient"  
 $DLL_03 = "DesktopMFC"  
 $DLL_04 = "FamilyDB"  
 $DLL_05 = "GeomUtil"  
 $DLL_06 = "Graphics"  
 $DLL_07 = "GrphOGS3"  
 $DLL_08 = "CommandServiceClient"  
 $DLL_09 = "RS.Common.ClientServer.Proxy"  

 Function GetRelativePath{  
      $Global:RelativePath=(split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent)+"\"  
      Write-Host $Global:RelativePath  

 Function GetOSArchitecture{  
      $Global:OS=Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem  
      #Answers: 32-bit, 64-bit  

 If ($Global:OS.OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit"){  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_01".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_01".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_01".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_01".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_01".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_02".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_02".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_02".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_02".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_02".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_03".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_03".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_03".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_03".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_03".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_04".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_04".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_04".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_04".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_04".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_05".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_05".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_05".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_05".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_05".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_06".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_06".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_06".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_06".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_06".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc$DLL_07".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_07".dll" -Destination $FileLoc$DLL_07".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc$DLL_07".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath$DLL_07".dll" -Destination $FileLoc -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_08".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_08".dll" -Destination $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_08".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_08".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_08".dll" -Destination $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\" -Force  
      If ((Test-Path -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_09".dll") -eq $true){  
           Copy-Item -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_09".dll" -Destination $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_09".orig" -Force  
           Remove-Item -Path $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_09".dll" -Force  
           Copy-Item -Path $Global:RelativePath"RevitServerToolCommand\"$DLL_09".dll" -Destination $FileLoc"RevitServerToolCommand\" -Force  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_01  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_02  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_03  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_04  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_05  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_06  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_07  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_08  
 Remove-Variable -Name DLL_09  
 Remove-Variable -Name FileLoc  
 Remove-Variable -Name OS  
 Remove-Variable -Name RelativePath  


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